5 Benefits that Come from a Multi-Dimensionally Diverse Company

People from different demographics sitting together at a meeting table

What is multi-dimensional diversity and how is it beneficial to your business?

Multi-dimensional diversity requires leaders to move beyond uni-dimensional frameworks. A uni-dimensional framework takes into account only physical qualities, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, and race. Using this limited model, an individual in an organization will likely only be seen through the lens of that one category. 

A multidimensional framework sees each employee as an individual with a list of characteristics, attributes, and background information that makes the person who they are. 

A black man isn’t just a black man. He could be a black man and a father, a veteran and an engineer that grew up in a large family or an employee could be an asian woman and a sister, Navy officer and christan who grew up as an only child. These are just some examples of the multiple dimensions each individual in your organization could have. 

Uni-dimensional diversity doesn’t give us a full picture of who someone is nor does it allow us the opportunity to fully appreciate all that makes a person who they are. People aren’t just whatever larger category they fit into. They are more than that. Individuals are complex humans and as we become a more inclusive and diverse culture, we must account for a “multi-diverse” world. 

Here are 5 benefits that come from creating a multi-dimensional diversity lens in your workplace:

  1. Helps your business improve its bottom line

When it comes to having a successful business, you don’t have to sacrifice diversity to be profitable. In fact, research is showing that diversity actually helps to increase business profits. 

According to a McKinsey study, “Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. And companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.”

The more you create a culture of diversity, in a way that embraces the complexities, strengths, and backgrounds of individuals, the more you’re going to see your business (and bottom line) grow. If you want to find greater financial success in your industry, focusing on creating a multi-dimensionally diverse company may be the key.

  1. Increases employee engagement

If increasing your bottom line isn’t enough (and to many of us, it’s not), research is also finding that when you focus on wellbeing in an organization, engagement increases. And one of the best ways to make employees feel appreciated is to create values within your culture that include the appreciation and recognition of individual differences. 

When inclusion becomes not just a policy, but a practice in your organization, you create the opportunity for underrepresented groups to feel represented. 

Gallup says, “When employees are engaged and thriving, they experience significantly less stress, anger and health problems. Unfortunately, most employees remain disengaged at work. In fact, low engagement alone costs the global economy $7.8 trillion.”

The bottom line is that creating a culture that values multidimensional diversity creates an environment of belonging which increases employee engagement.

  1. Improved customer satisfaction

When your customer service department or team is multi-dimensionally diverse, they are able to relate to others in a more meaningful way. Empathy, relatability, and common experiences help customers to feel heard, understood, and recognized. 

Empathy plays a very important role in the satisfaction of a customer and having emotionally intelligent employees that are able to respond to, adapt, and be understanding creates a connection with the customer that makes them feel like a real human. 

Engaged employees, who feel they belong in an organization that values multi-dimensional diversity are much more likely to have increased emotional intelligence.

When employees feel like they belong and are more engaged, it shows. Happy, healthy, energized employees creates a better experience for customers and in turn, increases customer satisfaction.

  1. Attract and retain top talent

Diversity isn’t just a buzzword, it’s something that many people are looking for in a company. When you establish a more diverse and inclusive workforce, you are also becoming a highly desirable company in today’s work environment. 

As the younger generations rise in leadership and become a majority of the workforce, they are looking for cultures and organizations that prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion. 

“More diverse companies, we believe, are better able to win top talent and improve their customer orientation, employee satisfaction, and decision making, and all that leads to a virtuous cycle of increasing returns,” says McKinsey in “Diversity Matters.” 

When you are not only uni-dimensionally diverse, but multi-dimensionally diverse, you attract top talent because you invite people into your organization in a way that allows them to be themselves, exactly as they are, and this gives you better chances of retaining them over time. 

  1. Improved company image

Diversity and inclusion not only make people feel like they belong in your organization, but it also breeds new ground for greater innovation and creativity. And an innovative and creative company is something that is highly sought after in today’s workforce (especially among the millennial generation).

“Modern organizations are realizing that having a sustainable DEI plan will generate the social currency they need to market themselves to customers and employees. Being open about your company’s DEI goals — and taking tangible steps towards them — will build trust with your employees and help them identify with the company’s values.” – Mentor Spaces

The bottom line is that a large portion of the US population cares about whether or not a company values diversity and creates an environment where things are equitable, people are included and feel like they belong. If a company wants to be successful in today’s environment, then they need to get on board.

Creating a more inclusive workplace

Multi-diversity is the way for true inclusion because it provides overlaps and common identities among all people of all race, ethnicity, and backgrounds. Seeing the people that make up our organization as multi-faceted individuals that contribute to many different pools of diversity allows an organization to grow and thrive.

For example, I am a female military leader who is a daughter of divorced parents. I am more than just a “white woman” and embracing more of who I am allows me to relate to others. 

Sometimes, as a company, we need to create a safe and open culture that allows us to embrace more of who we are. When we do this, our employees get the opportunity to grow, expand, and find the ways in which they can use their uniqueness to better contribute to their company’s goals, missions, values, and bottom line.

If you are interested in how your organization can create a more inclusive culture, not just more policies, reach out to me and let’s talk about how I can help.

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